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New CU4Kids Advisory Board Member Spotlight: Larry Palochik

Credit Unions for Kids recently announced Larry Palochik, Executive Vice President at the CA/NV/UT Credit Union Leagues, to the national Advisory Board. Please help us celebrate Larry’s accomplishments and support of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals!

Collaboratively working with his fellow colleagues from across the credit union movement, Larry Palochik has been instrumental in orchestrating and championing the Leagues’ annual Credit Union SacTown Run in Sacramento, CA. In other executive capacities and volunteer roles that have benefited Credit Unions for Kids (CU4Kids) and Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals (CMN Hospitals), Palochik brings awareness throughout California and Nevada each year to CUs4Kids efforts, including the largest yearly single fundraising event for CU4Kids — the Credit Unions for Kids Wine Auction.

He has helped break new fundraising ground and increased CUs4Kids recognition by supporting and spotlighting the annual “Dancing with the Credit Union Stars” Gala, the CMN Hospitals 5k Run-Walk Event during the Leagues’ REACH conference, the Leagues’ Kid Artwork Auction Fundraiser, and the annual Children’s Hospital Orange County (CHOC) Walk at Disneyland.

Under Palochik’s inclusive leadership and team spirit, he has actively engaged the credit union community through CU4Kids planning and outreach, demonstrating his commitment to the CMN Hospitals mission. Since 1996, CU4Kids fundraising efforts by the Leagues and credit union leaders have raised more than $200 million nationwide, benefiting local member hospitals provide financial assistance to pediatric patients through charitable care and community-based programs. In California and Nevada alone, $3 million was raised just in 2023.

John Bratsakis, President/CEO of MD|DCCUA and Chair of the CU4Kids Advisory Board, says: “Larry has been a strong advocate and leader of CU4Kids in California and Nevada for many years – leading tens of millions of dollars being raised for 11 children’s hospitals. The CU4Kids Advisory Board is thrilled to welcome Larry to our team and grateful that he’s stepping up in a new leadership role to support our mission of Changing Kids Health.”

The rest of the Credit Unions for Kids National Advisory Board can be found on the CU4Kids website: