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Don't Stop Believin' in the Miracles

We say it every year, but it’s true. The annual Credit Unions for Kids Dinner and Auction hosted by the Bangor Chapter of the Maine Credit Union League is one of our favorite nights of the year. Everyone dons their favorite concert T-shirts, joins in a fun rendition of Journey’s Don’t Stop Believin’, enjoys great food, and bids high and often to make sure doctors and nurses at our EMHS hospitals have the resources they need to provide the very best care for Maine kids.

This year, our friend, Caitlin, and her mom and brother, shared their story of hope and the importance of care close to home. Caitlin was a toddler when she was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disorder. Now 15 and a freshman in high school, Caitlin is thriving. And she and her family are thankful that they’re able to receive her routine infusion therapy treatments close to home at Eastern Maine Medical Center’s Raish Peavey Haskell Children’s Cancer and Treatment Center in Brewer.

Thank you all for such a fun night!